Using Transforms#

The boost-histogram library provides a powerful transform system on Regular axes that allows you to provide a functional form for the conversion between a regular spacing and the actual bin edges. The following transforms are built in:

  • bh.axis.transform.sqrt: A square root transform

  • bh.axis.transform.log: A logarithmic transform

  • bh.axis.transform.Pow(power) Raise to a specified power (power=0.5 is identical to sqrt)

There is also a flexible bh.axis.transform.Function, which allows you to specify arbitrary conversion functions (detailed below).

Simple custom transforms#

The Function transform takes two ctypes double(double) function pointers, a forward transform and a inverse transform. An object that provides a ctypes function pointer through a .ctypes attribute is supported, as well. As an example, let’s look at how one would recreate the log transform using several different methods:

Pure Python#

You can directly cast a python callable to a ctypes pointer, and use that. However, you will call Python every time you interact with the transformed axis, and this will be 15-90 times slower than a compiled method, like bh.axis.transform.log. In most cases, a Variable axis will be faster.

import ctypes

ftype = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_double)

# Pure Python (15x slower)
    10, 1, 4, transform=bh.axis.transform.Function(ftype(math.log), ftype(math.exp))

# Pure Python: NumPy (90x slower)
    10, 1, 4, transform=bh.axis.transform.Function(ftype(np.log), ftype(np.exp))

You can create a Variable axis from the edges of this axis; often that will be faster.

You can also use transform=ftype and just directly provide the functions; this provides nicer reprs, but is still not picklable because ftype is a generated and not picklable; see below for a way to make this picklable. You can also specify name="..." to customize the repr explicitly.

Using Numba#

If you have the numba library installed, and your transform is reasonably simple, you can use the @numba.cfunc decorator to create a callable that will run directly through the C interface. This is just as fast as the compiled version provided!

import numba

def exp(x):
    return math.exp(x)

def log(x):
    return math.log(x)

bh.axis.Regular(10, 1, 4, transform=bh.axis.transform.Function(log, exp))

Manual compilation#

You can also get a ctypes pointer from the usual place: a library. Let’s say you have the following mylib.c file:

#include <math.h>

double my_log(double value) {
    return log(value);

double my_exp(double value) {
    return exp(value);

And you compile it with:

gcc mylib.c -shared -o

You can now use it like this:

import ctypes

ftype = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_double)

mylib = ctypes.CDLL("")

my_log = ctypes.cast(mylib.my_log, ftype)
my_exp = ctypes.cast(mylib.my_exp, ftype)

bh.axis.Regular(10, 1, 4, transform=bh.axis.transform.Function(my_log, my_exp))

Note that you do actually have to cast it to the correct function type; just setting argtypes and restype does not work.

Picklable custom transforms#

The above examples to not support pickling, since ctypes pointers (or pointers in general) are not picklable. However, the Function transform supports a convert= keyword argument that takes the two provided objects and converts them to ctypes pointers. So if you can supply a pair of picklable objects and a conversion function, you can make a fully picklable transform. A few common cases are given below.

Pure Python#

This is the easiest example; as long as your Python function is picklable, all you need to do is move the ctypes call into the convert function. You need a little wrapper function to make it picklable:

import ctypes, math

# We need a little wrapper function only because ftype is not directly picklable
def convert_python(func):
    ftype = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_double)
    return ftype(func)

    transform=bh.axis.transform.Function(math.log, math.exp, convert=convert_python),

That’s it.

Using Numba#

The same procedure works for numba decorators. NumPy only supports functions, not builtins like math.log, so if you want to pass those, you’ll need to wrap them in a lambda function or add a bit of logic to the convert function. Here are your options:

import numba, math

def convert_numba(func):
    return numba.cfunc(numba.double(numba.double))(func)

# Built-ins and ufuncs need to be wrapped (numba can't read a signature)
# User functions would not need the lambda
        lambda x: math.log(x), lambda x: math.exp(x), convert=convert_numba

Note that numba.cfunc does not work on its own builtins, but requires a user function. Since with the exception of the simple example I’m showing here that is already available directly in boost-histogram, you will probably be composing your own functions out of more than one builtin operation, you generally will not need the lambda here.

Manual compilation#

You can use strings to look up functions in the shared library:

def lookup(name):
    mylib = ctypes.CDLL("")
    function = getattr(mylib, name)
    return ctypes.cast(function, ftype)

    10, 1, 4, transform=bh.axis.transform.Function("my_log", "my_exp", convert=lookup)